
Together We Are Saving Lives

The Safe Boating Campaign is a worldwide effort focused on responsible boating led by the National Safe Boating Council in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard. At its heart, the Safe Boating Campaign is a grassroots effort that collaborates with partners around the world to share about safe boating in their local communities through events, social media, workshops, and more.

As a Safe Boating Campaign partner, you are equipped with a recognized brand and resources to use in your local community. By signing up as a partner, you agree to uphold the integrity of the Safe Boating Campaign brand and messaging. In addition to our library of resources, we encourage you to create your own resources in accordance with the Safe Boating Campaign brand guidelines.

By registering you will be listed in our online partner database. Following registration, you must opt-in to receive email updates for the latest information. If you are already registered, please find your listing and contact us with any updates. If you’re interested in volunteering to support your local Safe Boating Campaign effort, please contact your local partners.


Become a Partner



    Other (please complete if location not in drop-down menu)


    Postal Code

    Event Participation (check all that apply)

    Wear Your Life Jacket to Work DayReady, Set, Wear It: Local Event Dates May VaryNational Safe Boating WeekOther Local Efforts





    I understand as a Safe Boating Campaign partner I must uphold the integrity of the Safe Boating Campaign brand and messaging. I understand the contact information provided on this form will be reviewed by the National Safe Boating Council for accuracy and provided in the Safe Boating Campaign Find Partners database. I give permission and hold harmless the National Safe Boating Council and the Safe Boating Campaign to share this contact information, and I understand it is my responsibility to contact the NSBC if I would like my information updated or removed from the directory.


    Please enter the text into the box below to confirm registration


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